Letter from Brother Gerardo

Dear Ven. Xain Zhong and Sister Shirley

First of all Thank you. 
I feel very fortunate to be able to attend the Buddhist meditation and the teaching services that you offer to us who are in prison with very little resources. I was born in Tijuana Baja California Mexico. I got to travel to many places in Mexico, I was a very happy person before. Ever since I came to prison I was kind of lost in my life. I am very happy to get chance to join Buddhist service here. I learned a lot and restored lots of my hollow parts of mind and soul. I also learned about the law of Karma and it's consequences. I can tell you that I am doing much better these days. Everyday I try to do my best to better my life. Thank you again for giving us opportunities to learn about the Dharma and guide us. May all brothers here in Desert Metta Sangha benefit by your guidance and teaching. 

Sincerely your brother and student

Brother Amaro