IBS Prison Program

The International Bodhisattva Sangha (IBS) Prison Program was founded in 1995 by Venerable Master Hueiguang. Before renouncing his life as a layman, Venerable Hueiguang was a student at the University of California in San Diego and was teaching classes on Buddhism at a local temple. His classes focused on how to apply the Dharma in western culture.
In 1994, he did an on-air interview with one of his students who was a disc jockey at a local radio station. They discussed how to handle relationships and personal problems from a Buddhist perspective. An inmate at the Calipatria State Prison in California who was listening to the radio program was inspired to write a heartfelt letter to the temple expressing his desire to learn more about Buddhism and meditation. In the letter, he requested Master Hueiguang to visit the prison and perhaps teach the inmates about Buddhism and meditation.
Since he was a student at a Buddhist college and a recently ordained monk, Venerable Hueiguang was unable to accommodate the request and meet with the inmates at that time. Despite his conflicting schedule and responsibilities, he was determined to fulfill the humble request of the inmate. He asked his devotees, Danny, and Shirley Tam, to fulfill the request as well as teach and spread the Dharma. That simple act initiated the IBS Prison Program which has continued for 12 years at Calipatria State Prison.
Venerable Hueiguang's first disciple, Venerable Xian Zhong (aka Tsering Motup) came to the U.S. to join the IBS program in January of 2008. Under the guidance of Venerable Xian Zhong, the IBS Prison Program has extended to many prisons in California, Washington State, and Oregon. IBS has established 48 sanghas and also created 105 Buddhist libraries within 32 prisons in California, 14 in Washington State, 5 in Arizona and 1 in Oregon State. Additionally, Venerable Xian Zhong and the IBS team have coordinated several multi-day meditation retreats in different California prisons. These meditation retreats were unique due to them being the first of their kind to be approved by a warden in the state of California. Since joining the prison program, IBS has been given the opportunity to visit 32 California prisons on a regular basis. Opening their heart to those who have lost their way, IBS continues to support individuals who are incarcerated to help them realize their true nature. With the belief that everyone deserves a second chance, many incarcerated individuals can benefit from Buddha's teachings. The IBS dream is to one day offer Dharma and meditation teachings to all state prisons in the United States.



親愛的顯中法師,Daniel,和 Shirley Tam:
非常感謝您於二月九日星期天來C.C.I. Tehachapi。 您的探訪對我來說非常有意義,我亦因此感到非常高興。我很期待您下一次的到訪。

我學習佛法只有九個月的時間。最初,我只是有興趣學習 (冥想/坐禪)然而,我越是對佛法的認識加深,我越能夠感受到更實在的心靈上的支持。


我於二零零二年入獄,而出獄時間將會在二零二二年。我深信在我過去八年的鐵窗生涯裡,學習佛法 (冥想/坐禪)對我甚有裨益。最近,我開始於每天早上四至五時念經和坐禪。這個時候的寢室是最為安靜,而我則可以在一覺好眠後精神飽滿地準備做早課。

我的佛法資料基本來自我們禪堂裡的書籍。每週日下午,我們的僧伽都會聚集在一起說說佛 法和坐禪。我每星期都會到佛教圖書館去找些佛學書籍和光碟。 我每天都花些時間閱讀佛學作品和聆聽佛法講座的光碟。這些佛學書籍上的資料非常寶貴,有助於我的禪修和對佛法有更深入的了解。從中,我亦更能夠選擇適合自 己的練習方式。



敬致 顯中法師,        2014年2月15日
觀則 敬上


美國菩薩寺非常感謝方士袣及許佩玲居士,每一年供養100條念珠給監獄弘法,我們的師父 慧光法師每一年四月或五月時,會特別回來美國監獄弘法。師父回來的時候,我們都會特別安排傳授三皈五戒的活動。發心受三皈五戒的受刑人,都會收到一條 108顆的念珠。許多年來,都是由方居士所供養。再次感恩方居士的發心,長期提供念珠給受刑人用功修道。這照片是今年方居士要供養給的念珠,是黃花梨木 (fragrant rosewood)的珠子。功德無量,阿彌陀佛!!!


本 寺很感恩香巴拉出版社的慈悲贊助,因為這些曾犯過罪的人,需要我們更多人的關心,並以佛法來淨化他們的身心,讓他們改過自新,而香巴拉出版社的支援,讓我 們的願望得以更進一步地實現。再者,要誠摯地感恩Michelle Chang居士的發心,協助聯絡申請,才有辦法讓我們獲得香巴拉出版社的書籍。阿彌陀佛!

“以無所得心,行一切善法. ”

International Bodhisattva Sangha (IBS)
12584 Sora Way
San Diego CA 92129
Phone: 1+619-450-3699
Fax: 1+858-484-1889
E-mail:- ibs@ibstemple.us

Dharma in my life

My name is Guan Rong, I am 55 years of age and I’m a member of the Blue Lotus Sangha at Chuckawalla Valley State Prison – Delta Facility (CVSP-D).  I been incarcerated for the past 35 years. I’ve been studying Buddhism for about two and half years.
I started studying Buddhism because I wanted to change my way of living.  A friend invited me to a Buddhist service here (CVSP-D) that was being given by Venerable Zhong.  I did not know what to expect until I sat there listening to everything Venerable said and to what the other Buddhist Brothers were talking about which made me start to think.
My Study of Buddhism has helped me a lot, in so many ways.  When I told my family that I was studying Buddhism they laughed at me in the beginning, but as time went on, they started to see that I became a happier person.  My faith along with my meditation has helped me open up to them and they recognize that.
When I took the 5-Precepts, I did not know what it was until that day, May 22, 2012, the day of my ordination and through out that day, I see a lot of things in a different way.  Just like the first Precept says “No Killing” there was this guy who kicks this little kangaroo mouse and broke his leg.  I could not let it go, so my friend has brought the kangaroo mouse me and I nurture the mouse back to health.  Now the mouse has become a pet, like a little dog, its like kangaroo mouse is part of the family.  That is what the first precept taught me that everything has the right to live, and that the kangaroo mouse could have been some one who came back in another life.
What I want to learn about Buddhism? Is how to deal with the everyday part of life and to know everything about Buddhism that way I can help other people out the way, it has help me understand the way of life in the world today.  The one person who has help me out a lot, it is like my son he has always been there for me all the time he will be there to make sure I do my studies each day.
My meditation practice that we do has help me control my anger where people or something gets me upset, I would just lay down on my back and do my relax meditation for an hour but most of the time I’ll do my meditation in the morning.  But my interest in taking this course is to help me better understand about Buddhism, meditation and the Dharma but most all to know about what I believe in.  And I want my family to accept me for my belief because my study of Buddhism, I am now seeing things in a different eye.
But my current understand of Buddhism is a long way off.  There is a lot I need to know about being a good Buddhist.  I want to be able to help people and to where I can teach Buddhism to other people, and mostly to better understand my faith.  If I would of studying Buddhism sooner, I think I would have been a better person and I would shown compassion for the world sooner.
The teachings that we get helps us.  Our family gets the enlightenment which helps myself and other Buddhist understand the Buddha’s life.  For me I just want everyone to be honest and try to understand life and to help each other if they have faith or not it is up to us to help each other always.  My Buddhist studies help me a lot now, and I’ll always read Dharma and pray to Buddha. 
With Metta 
Guan Rong


"結個善緣對於對我們有自由之身的人是很容易做到的事:江奶奶帶著3 的孫女兒文文在公園裡看鴨子,文文把本來已經放到嘴邊要咬下去的餅乾,忽然楞了一下,學著旁邊餵鴨子的遊客,把手中的餅乾給扔了出去給鴨子們吃。奶奶: 文文好乖,餵鴨鴨吃餅乾,文文自己給自己拍拍手,鼓勵自己好棒。一個好的榜樣是善緣,一塊餅乾更是文文與鴨子間結下的善緣,奶奶鼓勵的話也是善緣。

每天早上到公園散步的行人,互不認識卻能給予彼此一個友善的眼神、一個微笑、一聲早安,那都是善緣。我 們的一位網絡義工,每天把一份供養佛菩薩的食物放在後院草坪上,讓各種到處覓食的鳥得以品嘗一點「加持過的中國素菜」,她本來還擔心誰來吃呢?後來發現來 吃的動物們可多了,從烏鴉、海鷗、老鼠、鴿子、松鼠、各類小鳥,甚至是鄰居的狗和貓。久而久之,小鳥們都知道這戶人家有東西吃,烏鴉們會在用餐時間在後院 草坪上大叫幾聲,小鳥們甚至飛到二樓的陽臺邊吱吱喳喳的叫著:「食 物吃完了,我們餓了,還有嗎?」義工報導說,她會多買一些吐司麵包,萬一來一群鳥不夠吃時,再加菜一下,她發現只要另外加的份,烏鴉們一定會先「啊啊啊」 之後才吃,人們的「謝謝」只有兩個字,烏鴉們卻說了三聲:「謝謝謝」),義工說,這是她最快樂的事,鳥得到了食物當然牠們也是快樂的,人和鳥間的善緣從此 建立了


美 國菩薩寺今天收到兩箱美國淨宗學會寄過來的佛教書籍。 我們非常感謝淨宗學會的法友們 不斷的發心護持。我們這次收到的書籍都會送到新的監獄的圖書館。監獄的圖書館也需要各宗派的書籍,希望多一些人捐藏傳佛教的法寶,監獄的圖書館很缺藏傳佛 教的書。光是在加州就有三十 六家監獄,美國菩薩寺慢慢的每一家都會盡我們的力量去成立圖書館。如果有心想要在書籍或經費方面幫 助的話,請跟我們聯絡。


希望每一個人都有機會聽聞佛法,我們讓受刑人給因緣修行,當他們放出來才在社會不會恐亂。希望世界和平,大家快樂。 阿彌陀佛教!
International Bodhisattva Sangha (IBS)
12584 Sora Way
San Diego CA 92129
Phone: 1+619-450-3699
E-mail: ibs@ibstemple.us